Wednesday, December 28, 2011
End of Year Rush
I have completed many projects and am looking forward to posting pictures of those and a few in the works also. For now I am on a kick to get my house cleaned up to have a fresh start for the new year and I have an appointment to play Transformers with Jake, so TTFN.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
My Wooly Jack O'Lantern
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Weaving, knitting, spinning, oh my!

A bit of spinning on the drying rack destined for my first tapestry attempt.
And the ribbon for our Sheep to Shawl entry.

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Woolly Distractions
Abby pushed it down into the water and I put it in the microwave. After it was all 'cooked' I rinsed it and drained it in the 'wool spinner' (a salad spinner dedicated to my woolly things). Then Abby helped me spread it out to dry.
We were having so much fun that rather than just the two colors I was planning we ended up with 6 or seven and had to get out the drying racks. After they were dry (That evening) I started combing out the colors one by one. I was hoping to get a heathered look but the color saturated too well for that so I may go back and comb in some undyed wool to get the effect I am looking for.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Keeping Busy
By the time the kids were napping I decided to make myself a quill attachment for my spinning wheel (I could buy one for about $50 but my homemade model was free (an extra chopstick from take out, sharpened and sanded and a rubber band that I think came off of a bunch of asparagus). It took a little fiddling to get it to stay put but it works great! I think I will add a whorl of sorts to keep the cop from getting into the orifice of the wheel. Also just a note that I always slide a protective cover over it and turn it to face a wall so no one gets all sleeping beauty on that thing.
I was in the mood to do something fiddly and intricate so I started planning a project which led me to a skein of yarn I had spun from my first fleece. I wound off skeins in small yardages (specified by the pattern I chose). I got the kids to bed and watched some TV with Brian then I got the dye baths set up:
Tuesday was a VERY busy day. I woke up to Jake bringing me his clothes with a big smile on his face. Everyone got dressed and Brian even took the morning off of work so he could be there for his little boy on his first day of school.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sheep to Shawl

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Settle In - It's A Long One Today

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Another Test Knit

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Weaving: Wool and Flowers

Here it is after fulling:

The pattern is a bit clearer and I think that once we dye the warp it will really pop out. I am so looking forward to having some color in this pattern!
After a walk in Toni's beautiful garden we took some inspiration from her coffee roses and decided on our colors.
Speaking of gardens, I noticed that my lavender is in bloom and decided to try making a lavender wand:Lavender wands were in fashion with the Victorian ladies and are still used as a wonderful way to scent the air. You can keep them in your dresser or anywhere you would like to repel moths, place them in a flower arrangement (a great way to scent a silk flower arrangement) or pop them in a vase in your bathroom. If you don't want to make a wand, you can collect and dry the buds and sprinkle them in your tub, put them in a sachet or an eye pillow. On a side note you should keep fresh lavender away from boys as there are natural hormones in the plant that can affect them in negative ways.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
All Done and Dissapointed
I have always heard about the 'gauge lies' phenomenon but have never experienced it myself to this degree. I did a gauge swatch before beginning the project and got just a smidge over 4 stitches per inch(spi). The gauge that was called for was 4spi and I figured if I did the large size shawl that smidge would not matter as the large would be too big for me so that little bit would help it become just the right size. After finishing the shawl and laying it out I see that is WAY to is supposed to be 54in across for the small size and 74 for the large. Mine is 44. yeah. not great. So I measured the gauge and it's 6spi. Waayyyy off.
Hopefully it will block out a bit larger, but it feels is very inelastic on one side from where the colors traveled up the side so I will be limited to stretching it to whatever that side will allow. I am definitely doing a 'hard block' on this one though.
I am a bit bummed about it since I was so eager to wear it, however worst case it will fit Abby nicely.
Here it is, unblocked for now:

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Working on something....
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Before our camping trip I used some of the leftovers from Abby's Coat to make a coat for my teapot:

Also the weaving on the Sheep to Shawl sample scarf is almost done!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
We're Back
Decided not to take Abby's new handknit coat on the trip - very pleased about that decision since her most beloved activity while we were there was 'dirt baths' (her words) and that is pretty much what she did most of the day, everyday when we were not doing a structured activity.
The kids got to play on the playground, go swimming, go fishing, do some sightseeing, have fire roasted hot dogs, sleep in a tent and of course play in dirt and only get yelled at it when they threw it.
I'll try to get some blogging done in a day or two, for now I am off to do more laundry and clean up the house that managed to get trashed within 10 minutes of walking in the door yesterday.