Saturday, June 18, 2011

We're Back

Our camping trip was pretty darned good but a bit too long. Next time we'll go for 4 or 5 days - not 8.
Decided not to take Abby's new handknit coat on the trip - very pleased about that decision since her most beloved activity while we were there was 'dirt baths' (her words) and that is pretty much what she did most of the day, everyday when we were not doing a structured activity.
The kids got to play on the playground, go swimming, go fishing, do some sightseeing, have fire roasted hot dogs, sleep in a tent and of course play in dirt and only get yelled at it when they threw it.
I'll try to get some blogging done in a day or two, for now I am off to do more laundry and clean up the house that managed to get trashed within 10 minutes of walking in the door yesterday.

1 comment:

Alexis AKA MOM said...

What fun, I'm not much of a camping girl and 8 days would kill me ... lol.

Dirt Bath is too funny!