Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Just a quick fly by to show you a couple of things.
Before our camping trip I used some of the leftovers from Abby's Coat to make a coat for my teapot:Yesterday I finally finished these socks! It only took me a year and a half. They were nice and simple enough that I got the majority of the fishishitup knitting done by the campfire on our trip.
And I don't know how I failed to start a Ravelry page or blog about it but a while ago I started this:
and have been plugging away at it a little here and there for several months now. The pattern is Triinu from Knitted Lace of Estonia.
Also the weaving on the Sheep to Shawl sample scarf is almost done!

1 comment:

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I love the tea pot cozy!!!

The socks are very cool too :).