First was the dryer acting up - well actually it was just taking things way too long to dry and the lint trap was not wanting to fit I get down and take a look...hard to see in there but there was obviously a lint build up stopping the trap from fitting and probably causing the drying problems I get out a pair of hemostats? whatever they are called (have a friend that used to work sterilizing medical equipment and they had to throw out any with any flaws so he got to take some) anyway I got down in there but they were just pulling apart the clumps...not pulling them out.
So I got out the screwdriver and pulled the guard off and then I was able to really reach down and pull that stuff God there was a lot! I am not exaggerating when I figure it to be about a half a pound of lint and that doesn't count the stuff I got with the vacuum hose:
No wonder the damn thing wouldn't dry...there was no where for the moisture to go...
Anyway once that problem was solved the dryer decided to behave itself a bit more (I think it just didn't like the thread of open-lint surgery again).
Anyway once that problem was solved the dryer decided to behave itself a bit more (I think it just didn't like the thread of open-lint surgery again).
Ok so another little tale to go with how my next project got started...Every day I read my son a story from the Little Bear books. His favorite is "Birthday Soup." The basics of the story are this: Little Bear wakes up on his birthday with Mother Bear nowhere to be found. His friends are all coming over for his birthday but there is no cake and he needs something to serve his guests. He decides to make birthday soup with carrots, potatos, peas and tomatos. He makes the soup, everyone likes it and Mother Bear surprises him with his birthday cake. So anyway for about a week Jacob kept telling me he wanted to make birthday soup too (in his little voice it's soo cute and comes out "...with carrots, 'atatos, peas an' 'amatos.") So on Friday I finally got my fanny in gear and got everything together.

Jacob had a hard time waiting for me to dice and sautee the onions and beef so he tried to start the soup while I was doing that...

So we got the base together and then added the diced carrots and potatoes and then just emptied a can of diced tomatoes and some frozen peas into it. Jake stirred and decided it was good and we should have lunch.

He really did not want to wait for it to cook. It looked done after all. Oh and then there was that whole 'its an hour past nap time' thing. So the second the potatos and carrots were soft enough to chew I let him have a bowl. He took a bite and said 'it's good mommy' then he took two more bites and informed me it was nap time. I think the poor kid was just holding out so he could try his soup (he is really good about telling me when it's nap time if he's tired).

Ok so another intro story to a project...Jake and I were at WalMart and they have this little arcade in there with one of those claw machines you can get plush toys out I decided to let Jake have a go at it (it's one of those play til you win ones)...the damn thing ate my money and Jake was having a fit because he wanted the damn stuffed I told him I would make him one when we got home...they seemed pretty simple I could probably come up with a pattern or something. Sooo after a couple of days of him not forgetting about it (this kid has one helluva memory, let me tell you...) and asking me repeatedly to make him a "'nake" I get my crap together and rough draw a pattern. He played with it for about an hour before walking up to me, handing me the snake and very matter-of-factly stating "My 'nake needs eyes Mommy." So I embroidered some eyes for him. This is what it turned out like
On Sunday I had my craft day with Alexis so she could finish up her name pillows and she brought her two cutie pie sons with her, Caden and Cole. Cole is 5 and Caden is almost 2. Cole needed something to do since the other kids were a bit to little for him to have any real fun with so I asked him if he wanted to make a snake. He said 'Yeah!' So we grabbed him some fabric from his Mom's bag and I drafted a snake right onto the fabric (made it a bit wider and longer as I had issues stuffing the first one...I had forgotten I needed to make it wider than I thought to account for the vertical height that stuffing it would take up). I thought it looked pretty darned good so I decided to trace it onto some freezer paper to preserve the pattern. I am glad I did...Here is how Cole's snake turned out...and mind you he did all of the ironing, helped with the pinning, sewing and stuffing - oh, and he picked out the green beads for eyes and named him Kevin.

The big ones are are about 34 inches long. They seem to be a hit and I think I am going to make a bunch more...I am starting at least with another small one for Abigail to chew on. Girly colors. It should be fun.
After Alexis finished the sewing on Caden's pillow and they left Brian and I decided to have take-out Chinese for dinner since we really didn't want to I went and got some. We all sat at the table and ate, Abby in her bumbo as a centerpiece. She tried banana for the first time and liked it pretty well, she is still having a bit of a hard time getting over the tongue thrust reflex though. After dinner Brian headed for the living room and I got a rag to wipe Jake up...when I came back into the room this is what I saw:

Last night after the Chinese food Jake informed me that it was bed time and that Mommy and Daddy and Abby ALL had to come up and put him to bed. Buuuut he wanted stories in 'Daddy's Room' (Also known as Brian's office with a computer and a futon). He got all set up with a pillow and a blanket and after the story wanted to sleep there. We decided that it was ok for one night and he did not try to get out of bed and goof-off so we let him. Might be hard to go to bed in his 'real' bed tonight, but so be it. After putting Jake down we came back downstairs and I fed Abby a bottle and needed to change her diaper again (I had literally JUST changed her when I got Jake into his jammies) before I could put her to bed. She was mostly asleep so I decided to do it on my lap to jossle her as little as possible...this is what I was rewarded with:

Speaking of the stinky stuff I am off to empty the diaper pail and clean the cat box. Then I think I'll make another snake.
Must. Have. Snakes.... 3 of them!
Can I place my order now??
Send me a ravelry note... Promise I will check it... and we can discuss price and colors. Seriously!
Well look at that I told you, they would be a HUGE hit and you could sale them!
Wow girl that is one heck of a post. You know how I LOVE pictures to go with it all! I agree with Abby bring on the BBQ Pork, banana's are so yesterday :).
Bri is lucky to have a wife like you with her own tool box ... LOL.
OMGosh that is way too spendy for AC! YIKES!!!
I love you took a picture of the wet lap ... LOL we're so alike. Oh I have to blog about this take a picture! :)
I love the birthday soup, he looks so proud to be helping!
I love how your friends son was helping you make snakes, you are one talented lady ;)
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