Well, I had my spinning goal in mind and got so excited about it I didn't take as many in progress photo's as I would have liked to.
With my specific goal of a hat for Jacob in mind I went 'stash diving' and finding no 'Jacob Worthy' fiber I resigned myself to having to buy some (a trip to buy fiber, gee darn - actually it was on the tail end of a detist appt.) I bought 4 ounces of some commercially processed Merino in the Denim colorway from
Ashland Bay at the
Lamb's Ear in Tacoma.

That night was my monthly spinning guild meeting and while there I split the roving in two and spun half of the singles in the couple of hours I was there.

Later that evening after getting home I was on such a roll that I spun the second half of the singles 'thick and thin.'
Yesterday I started the plying - I had already had the beads and had intended on stringing them on the thinner single but that idea was scrapped when I realized I would not be able to pull the single through all of the beads without abrading to too much.

So plan B was a spool of 'denim' colored sewing thread (Thank you
Alexis! - you let me have this after a sewing project we worked on here - it couldn't be more perfect) to make a 3 ply - the two singles I had spun plus the tread with the beads strung on.

I finished up the yarn that afternoon and set it to soaking. It is just barely dry enough to photograph - another day before it will be dry enough to knit with. It is destined to be a hat for my Jacob - the self proclaimed 'Letter Prince' (apparently Letter King was not to his liking).
Edited to add: As Alexis just pointed out in the comments - the month isn't even half over and I'm done. Perhaps I will add to my spinning goal this month as this was a new aquisition and not directly from the fiber stash (but the beads and thread were).