Well we have finally finished a project that has taken just about a month. We refinished our hardwood floors.
Soo...without further ado, here are some progression pics:

Dining Room - What we found under the carpet.

Living Room - What we found under the carpet.

Dining Room - After lots of sanding and filler and more sanding.

Living Room - After sanding filling, sanding again.

The Bedroom - After sanding and filling etc. These turned out to be Oak instead of Fur.

Dining Room - Done! (well we haven't quite taken the tape off yet but you get the idea).

Living Room - Done

Bedroom - Done (except for the trim).
Well there is the photo journey of the floors. It took a long time but we did it. I'll take some pics now that we have the trim put up and the quarter-round put on...I'll try to post those later this week.